Wednesday, October 1, 2014

habitual paths

Each morning the two chickens we own follow the exact same path to the cat food dish. Each day they pause and deposit Chicken poop in the same spots on the pool deck. This annoys me. Today I waited with a garden hose for them, after washing off yesterday's droppings.
They protested greatly in being denied their habitual route.
When distracted, a few minutes later, there they were in the cat food on the table. They would not be denied. I threw my shoe at them.
Not that it would do any good. They live on repetition, on habit.
So like us. Prone to the same messy routes. Habits. Breaking them beyond our ability.
Comes the water of the word of God. Let this mind be in you. Put on Christ. Renew your mind.
I need daily, moment by moment the hose of God applied to my habitual path until at last, I am not in the mindless routine.