Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Watermelon Park

North of Mikesville, the settlement founded in 1870 by G.M.Whetstone, after passing Ellisville at I-75 one comes upon a lone blinking light past Mason City. Home of the famous and delicious Nettles Sausage, the crossroads hamlet is home to a Lester Scaff and Sons, S&S convenience store and one boarded up Presbyterian Church. Where once the stately Flanagan home stood under the oaks,there is a double-wide.
Down Myrtis Road  or CR240,we turn for home off Price Creek Road, passing the little shanty, once where the young black fellow in the wheelchair would wave at us. They said he was selling drugs.
We assume the crossroads got its name for once being a staging area under the shady oaks for the watermelon trucks loaded each summer.
Each October the Gainesville Cycling Club uses the S&S for a lunch stop on the Santa Fe Century ride at the fifty-five point of the hundred mile ride through some of the most picturesque countryside in Northern Florida.

Oaks of Myrtis

Shanty on Myrtis

The Flanagan home now gone

boarded up Presbyterian Church

Rest stop of the Santa Fe Century ride
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  1. It’s on US 41/441 approximately 4.4 miles north of where US 41/441 intersects with I-75 in Ellisville.

  2. Very interesting. My family came from Florida, probably in the middle but I lived in South Miami. We go back a long way.
